employee development


大莊園始終關(guān)注員工成長(cháng)與企業(yè)發(fā)展相結合,把員工成長(cháng)列入企業(yè)的使命。堅持送高層骨干到清華大學(xué)EMBA學(xué)習,每年都會(huì )選送一批基層優(yōu)秀員工去國外學(xué)習交流牛羊肉分割技術(shù),同時(shí)成立了大莊園企業(yè)商學(xué)院,建立了企業(yè)、個(gè)人、團隊學(xué)習和戰略研修相結合的培訓體系,同時(shí)積極開(kāi)展員工文體生活和職業(yè)技能培訓。


Grand Farm pays high attention to the employee growth with enterprise development, taking it as one of the enterprise's missions. The key staffs from senior management will be sent to Tsinghua University for EMBA study, and the outstanding grass-roots employees will be sent abroad to learn and exchange beef and sheep boning techniques. In addition, Grand Farm Business School has been founded to develop a training system which integrates individual and team learning with strategic research. Recreation and vocational training activities are also conducted for employees.

